23 January 2009

2036: not holly wong

on this morning's agenda is to quickly review a few days' worth of international herald tribunes that have been neglected. i think it bad form to simply transfer them from outside my door to the recycle pile.

although it's the "global edition of the new york times" it's hardly as satisfying. that said, each edition also includes an 8-page korean news insert from the english language paper, the joongang daily. the "best of both worlds" marketing pitch hooked me in. 

now, while i could rail about the absurdity of the joongang op-eds (and the nyt, for that matter), i'd rather bring attention to what holly wong, age 9, wrote to president obama (and reprinted among several other children's letters) in a recent edition:

dear president/mr. obama,
the best thing about living in the white house would be running around like a maniac. the thing i would like least is the work.
~holly wong, age 9, san francisco
i love holly. i love that her name is holly wong. and i love that she clearly will never be president. america needs more underperforming chinese daughters and holly will always be everyone's favorite hoot at the kegger.

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