world's best and gorgeous, too.
last week, airports council international (aci) announced the results of its annual airport service quality survey. the 2007 rankings were drawn from feedback by nearly 200,000 passengers on 34 airport service factors, from check-in to departure. based on my travel experiences, it's no surprise that the top 5 spots were all in asia (no, my caucasian freedom fighters, this isn't another example of asian racism to bitch about over jäger shots in hongdae):
1) incheon, south korea (icn is korea's primary int'l airport)we beat japan!
2) kuala lumpur, malaysia (kul)
3) singapore (sin)
4) hong kong (hkg)
5) central japan (ngo)

not only did incheon rank as the best airport worldwide, it also won asia-pacific regional top honors, was named the best airport in the 25-49 million passenger range, and it won the "airport people award" for asia.
i've had the pleasure of visiting the top 4 airports, and am always impressed by the courtesy, efficiency and professionalism at each of them. in 2006, i visited hong kong's amazing mega-hub on at least a dozen occasions... which made returning to the hell of usa air travel all the more humbling.

south korean carrier and star alliance partner, asiana, recently picked up global traveler magazine's "best airline for onboard service and flight attendants" award. it seems like korea has a good thing going from check-in to landing.
fyi, aci is "the first worldwide association to represent their common interests and foster cooperation with partners throughout the air transport industry."
it doesn't hurt that korean flight attendants, the women, are tall, lithe, and beautiful. and their uniforms are pristinely tailored.
if you look at female korean flight attendants closely, you can see the nips and tucks, nooks and crannies...they've all had some form of cosmetic surgery. they have to! it's korea.
thanks for ruining my fantasy that korean women are just naturally perfect. oops, i never had that fantasy.
despite being hideous, my main issue with american flight attendants is the attitude. it's like there's a direct pipeline from the small town diner to the flight cabin... with a 30-year smoking habit in transit, of course.
i guess the stewardesses (the homo dudes), however, should get some credit for making airlines one of the first industries to acknowledge domestic partner benefits.
um, dog the bounty hunter?
whatever, lady, s/he looks just like beverly on my last northwest airlines haul.
i had beverly! seattle-narita.
hawaiian hapa stewardess reminds me of ellington andrew.
i had no idea seoul re-did its airport -- looks beautiful. last time i flew through seoul was xmas 1999 - this must be a new development.
if you've ever flown philippine airlines (and why would you have), their narita-manila flight is stunning for all sexualities.
andrew just keeps coming up over and over somehow. um... how's bdkymm on The Chart?
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